She Did It Her Way

SDH 424: How to Practice Saying No and Defend Your Calendar with Amanda Boleyn

Episode Summary

This podcast episode is about how to practice saying “No” and defending your calendar. The most important thing for you in the beginning stages is to keep the main thing, the main thing and you do that by saying, “no.” Because when you say “YES” to one thing you’re indirectly saying “NO” to another. 

Episode Notes

This podcast episode is about how to practice saying “No” and defending your calendar. Sometimes that “No” is to someone outside of you and sometimes that “No” is to you, yourself as the business owner. As you're building your business there are so many things that are vying for your attention, from what is happening in your personal life, to all of the things that you need to get done in your business. The most important thing for you in the beginning stages is to keep the main thing, the main thing and you do that by saying, “no.” Because when you say “YES” to one thing you’re indirectly saying “NO” to another. 

If you say YES to a night out with girlfriends, what is the trade-off, what are you indirectly saying NO to? Where your focus goes, energy flows, and results will show. It is easy to say you’re going to work on your business every Monday and Tuesday night from 6-8 PM, but when the invite to do a girls’ dinner comes across via text, then what? 

The goal isn’t to say your decision is right or wrong, the goal is to bring awareness to the decision so that you can make an intentional decision knowing what the trade-offs are.

In this episode, you'll hear...
