She Did It Her Way

SDH 423: How to Clean Up Your Systems in Your Business with Amanda Boleyn

Episode Summary

In this podcast episode, I’m walking you through my entire systems streamlining and overhauling process along with how you can organize yours from the start. This is something that I’ve wanted to do for several months and am so excited the time has come for me to dig in!

Episode Notes

Today’s podcast episode, I’m walking you through my entire systems streamlining and overhauling process along with how you can organize yours from the start. This is something that I’ve wanted to do for several months and am so excited the time has come for me to dig in! There were so many times earlier this year that I wanted to streamline my systems, clean up redirects, and opt-ins but it wasn’t a priority because of other stuff that was taking place in the business. 

In this episode I’m going to share:

My software and systems clean up consists of the following:

Why a systems and software clean up now?

  1. I know a lot more about websites and SEO now than I did when I first built our website. I knew I had left too many “dead bodies” lying around. Meaning, I knew that there were pages that either went to a 404, ones that were live and you could find but weren’t relevant anymore, call-to-actions for trainings that are no longer just was a bit of a hot mess.
  2. We also went through a rebrand on our site and moved from to so what a perfect time to make some intentional updates!

My approach to the clean up:

  1. First, I recommend making a plan for how and when you’re going to do this clean up. Be as detailed as possible when planning. Also, ignore everything else in your life and business during that time. My inbox has been on ‘pause’ and all my notifications have been turned off. 
  2. I took an inventory of all my current systems. In Leadpages I think I had over 50 different Leadpages created; I put them all into a Google Doc on their own respective tabs. In Squarespace, I took note of both the URL mappings and all pages that have been created. Finally, Convertkit and Podia opt-ins, podcast episodes, and show notes.
  3. Next, I created a “desired” url mapping list. For example, there were lots of pages around trainings/ challenges that we’ve done and work with me pages. Instead of having 10 random pages that have traffic going to them, I created one “work with me” page and went into my Squarespace account, and redirected all the random pages to that one “work with me” page. The main pages starting out that you’ll most likely have are your homepage, work with me page (offer/sales), and any CTA’s that you’ve created. 
  4. I went through the “Current URL Redirects” and made sure that all traffic was going where I wanted it to go and if not, noted where I wanted to point it instead. Once I finished that, I actually made the changes in Squarespace. 
  5. Once I identified the live call-to-actions that were out there, I then created a separate tab to track them. I was able to go into Canva and update the downloads. 
  6. Then I migrated everything from Leadpages to Podia. Instead of creating individual landing pages and call-to-actions, I put all my freebies and trainings into a vault and made one opt-in page on Podia with one email onboarding sequence. Because I did this, I went back to my URL redirects and made sure that all traffic was pointing to If you previously downloaded our Ultimate Leap Checklist and Starter Kit you would have gone to and you still can but now it forwards to so I’m able to strategically capture that traffic, plus when you create an account on Podia you get access to ALL of the freebies, instead of just one. 
  7. At this point, I didn’t need any of my Leadpage anymore so I was able to deactivate my account - yah! One less software system - woot woot! Leadpages is great if you want to get fancy with your marketing automations, but based on where we’re heading with She Did It Her Way, my goal is to keep things as simple as possible. 

I also made a copy of my dashboard that you can access by heading to

What’s still left at the time of this recording? 

Best Practices:

Again, if you want to snag my dashboard, you can sign up for our entire vault of resources by heading to



