She Did It Her Way

SDH 428: Create Your Opt-in Page & Email Sequence + 10 Places to Share Your Freebie with Amanda Boleyn

Episode Summary

After you create your freebie and it is ready to be shared with the world, there are few things, you’ll need to do. In this episode I’m going to dive into what needs to be done before you share it with the world and 10 places to share your freebie.

Episode Notes

Know you need to build an email list but overwhelmed by how to get started and all of the tech? ConvertKit is your go-to email platform that helps entrepreneurs like you turn your passions into a full-time career by growing your audience, promoting your business, and building a meaningful relationship with your fans. You can do all of this on their free plan.

You can showcase your product and upcoming projects by building a custom landing page in minutes, saving time to help you focus on your business. ConvertKit’s email designer helps you create beautiful, simple emails that help turn your casual audience into true fans. Writing professional and personalized emails about your business and products helps connect you with your audience. ConvertKit helps entrepreneurs earn a living by evolving their side hustle, with tools to help sell products and grow their business.

Go to to sign up for a free account and find your audience faster.



After you create your freebie and it is ready to be shared with the world there are few things you’ll need to do. In this episode I’m going to dive in to what needs to be done before you share it with the world and 10 places you can share your freebie.

At this point, you’ve decided which software program you’re going to use. Many of the software solutions have what is called an opt-in page option or a way to embed a signup box on your website. 

You can also decide to create a separate opt-in page on your website whether you Squarespace or Wordpress. When you create an opt-in page on your website you’ll most likely need to embed the signup box on your website. 

Based on my experience, I recommend the easiest way is to create a landing page with whatever email marketing software tool you decide to use and create a redirect for your opt-in. 

For example let’s say you create a checklist. Your Squarespace website URL redirect may be “”. When someone goes to your website URL they are then redirected to the opt-in page you created through your email marketing software. 

Now, within your email marketing software, you’ll want to create what is called an “automation”, meaning that when someone goes to the opt-in page you created and enters in their name and email address, they’ll automatically (hence the word automation) receive your download via email.

To create the automation, you’ll first need to write the email that then sends your opt-in to them. 

Let’s recap:

You have your website

Your email marketing software

Your freebie

Still to create:

Your opt-in page via your email marketing software

Your automated email that delivers your opt-in + a nurture sequence

Still to do:

Create your URL redirect

Create your automation

When you create your opt-in page make sure it is short, simple, and straight to the point as to what it is someone can expect to receive when they sign up. What is the benefit to them? Why should they subscribe? Keep the ability to opt-in and subscribe above the fold and don’t clutter your opt-in page. Be sure to include a photo of you at the bottom along with a blurb about your journey. This can also be referred to as a “credibility statement.”

When you write your email sequence, there are many ways to go about this. The purpose of a “nurture email sequence” is to nurture those that download or opt-in. The guide that someone just downloaded may be their first real interaction with you. Your nurture sequence consists of a series of emails to build the relationship with your subscriber and take them from a cold, to warm, to hot lead for the purpose that they convert to a client. 

An example might look like a series of 4 emails over the span of 7 days. 

Email 1 - Day 0: The first email is sent immediately once someone signs up for your opt-in. This email is short and simple. “Here’s your download! I’m so excited for you to dive in. I’ll be in touch tomorrow to share a little bit about myself and my relationship with BLANK. Sign off.”

Email 2 - Day 1: Share your story and ask them a question. Ask them to reply. Create that engagement from the start. 

Email 3 - Day 3: Check-in about the guide, share a pain point and solution.

Email 4 - Day 5: Invite them to a discovery call

Again, every sequence will look different depending upon your goal but in the beginning keep it super simple and don’t overwhelm yourself with trying to do all the things.

10 Places to Share Your Opt-in Page:

Website homepage via a banner

Website pop-up feature

Instagram bio CTA

Email signature

Your Facebook group

Facebook business page

Blog posts

Youtube channel

Podcast episodes

IG stories (drive traffic to the opt-in page)

Remember: Your first freebie will not be your last. The sooner you get started, the sooner you start. It isn’t about getting it perfect, it is about getting started and taking action. Be kind to yourself as your navigating the learning process. Take advantage of tutorials that email marketing software companies offer. Lastly, sign up for an email marketing course. I love Amy Porterfield’s List Builders Society

This concludes our 3-part training series about list building. I would love for you to connect with us on Instagram. Take a screenshot of you listening to the episode and tag us!

Until next time, keep doing it your way. 



“Based on my experience, I recommend the easiest way is to create a landing page with whatever email marketing software tool you decide to use and create a redirect for your opt-in. “

“To create the automation, you’ll first need to write the email that then sends your opt-in to them.”

“Your first freebie will not be your last.”

“The sooner you get started, the sooner you start.”





Amy Porterfield’s List Builders Society